Starting our family.. Baby Allred is on the way!!
Life is getting really exciting for the Allred family! I'm sure all of you saw our Facebook post about little baby Allred on the way... I wanted so bad to just blurt it out all over the last blog I posted. And well, all over everything and to everyone. I have a really hard time with surprises. Although, I must say I was pretty good about keeping my mouth shut about this one. A lot of you probably have so many questions and I definitely want to try to answer them for you through our "getting pregnant story" If you want to call it that. Haha. But anyways, I've been wanting a baby ever since we first got married, I've just ALWAYS wanted to be a mom. I got my patriarchal blessing when I was either 17 or 18 and in that blessing, it talked so much about motherhood and how it would play a big role in my life. One of my favorite things in there is that it says "you're children will look up to you in every aspect of your life". This sentence in my blessing m...